Florina Lungu - Do you need some help?

Recently, a fascinating study was done at UC Berkeley. Post-doctoral fellow Elizabeth Kirby noted an interesting relationship between stress and the brain’s creation of new neurons.

Her research showed that the stress response encourages the brain to form new cells related to memory – but only when the stress lasts for a brief time. When prolonged beyond a few moments, stress actually inhibits the brain’s ability to grow new cells.

In other words, Kirby’s study confirms what we already know… some stress is a good thing, but too much can keep us from growing and making progress.

Think about how much easier it is to fall back into bad habits when you have a lot on your mind. The American Psychological Association’s report that more than 1 in 4 adults stress-eats (eating to cope with a prolonged state of stress) – and of course, they are not stress-eating greens and proteins.

I see this problem with many of my patients and mentoring clients. They find their energy sapped as life continues to get in the way of their goals. Whether they are plagued by anxiety, sleep issues, chronic fatigue, or another major symptom of their lifestyle, they find it very daunting to try to overcome.

They “get started” and they try to start doing things all right all the time all at once. But it is not long after they “get started” that they stumble and shortly they are right back in their old way of doing things.

It is a vicious cycle, and it is heartbreaking.

Most of the people I see who struggle with this have a moment where they “wake up” and realize there must be a way to break the cycle. And for many, that is the moment when the next part of their life begins…

…They ask for help.

It is a humbling moment when we ask for help. It requires a lot of honesty with one’s self, which is why some never pass that threshold. They live as though one day they will figure it all out, like their stress will melt away and healthy choices will suddenly become their default.

And sadly, they live that way until a critical health event turns their world upside down.

But no one can do it for them. Even if someone offers their help, nothing happens if we do not respond with honesty and our own desire to change.

Alcoholics Anonymous is an international organization dedicated to helping persons with alcohol addictions break the cycle. Their 12-step process is comprehensive and involves a lot of honesty. And the first two steps are 1) admit that you are stuck, and 2) admit that you need something outside of yourself to intervene.

For many of those who do decide to ask for help with their problems, this moment of vulnerability is the turning point.

See, when you ask for help, you (at least) double the resources you have available to you. Now, you have support to help you emotionally, creativity to help you mentally, and expert insight to help you practically.

And from that moment, it becomes what we call a positive feedback loop – self-reinforcing upward mobility.

The more you become aware of the best next step, the more you reinforce your own confidence in your healthy decisions – the less stressful they become – the more likely you are to sustain change – the easier it becomes. And before very long, you have set a new cycle in motion.

John Maxwell says,

“People change when they hurt enough that they have to change, learn enough that they want to change, receive enough that they are able to change.”

Is that where you are today?

I do not just write these emails because I love health and healthy pursuits. (Okay, I do. But that is only one reason I write to you.)

I care about health because I care about people. Better choices have greatly impacted my mental, emotional, and physical wellness, and in turn, helped me live the life I dreamed of. And it gives me great joy to watch others live out the happiness that health brings.

For some people that kind of freedom feels a long way off. They have trouble seeing tomorrow looking any different from the day before. And if that is where you are, I am offering me help.

I am happy to jump on a call with you and get you one step closer to a life you love – I cannot think of a greater honor! Just hit “reply” and we can get started.

Make today your masterpiece!


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