Florina Lungu on Mental Health

If there are two things I want to communicate to you with these emails, it’s these…

  • Your brain is at the center of everything you do and everything you are.
  • How you take care of your brain is how it takes care of you.This all-important world-driving supercomputer can only serve you if you serve it the way it needs to be served.

These two facts are not just the reason I write to you each week – they are the reason I chose my career as a healthcare provider. They are the reason I  go to work each day. 

Sometimes we put off making changes or going after goals because we don’t know what we should do to get started. But when it comes to getting brain healthy, you don’t need to know exactly what to eat down to the macros, or talk to a personal trainer about the perfect exercise routine.

As long as you know these two things – your brain is important and you must take care of it – you can get started, and the rest of the info you need will come.

And over the next few weeks, I want to be that resource for you.

I want to give you some next steps so that you have some simple action steps toward a better brain!

(Just so you know – you can get a sneak peek at my deep dive into 7 strategies for boosting brain performance at that link right now. I put together a free guide for you and anyone you know who wants to improve their lives by improving their brain health!)

For now, here is a summary…

  1. Eat well. You’ve heard it said, “You are what you eat.” It’s true! Food is the building blocks of you. What fuel you choose determines how your brain and body run. If I were to look at what you put inside it, would I think your brain was a well-oiled machine, or a garbage bin?
  2. Exercise. Our brains are built to prosper and reward us when we move our bodies. Even just a few minutes of exercise a day can improve brain function – and of course, body functioning, as well.
  3. Get better sleep. If you do everything else on this list but fail to get good sleep, your brain will still suffer. As the brain’s nightly process of removing toxins and beta-amyloid plaques (one of the things thought to be responsible for the degenerative effects of Alzheimer’s disease), sleep is your brain’s best friend.
  4. Stay hydrated. Your brain is more than 80% water! And your brain uses water just by keeping your life running every single day. Staying hydrated is essential to maintaining your brain’s functioning.
  5. Try fasting. It’s funny because earlier in this very list I told you to fuel your brain properly. But expert farmers know to give certain fields a break every so often so they can keep the soil rich. In the same way, letting your digestive system rest by fasting ignites some brain benefits. 
  6. Be aware of your thoughts. Thoughts are things – very real things. They can be good for your brain or bad for it. Negative thoughts, toxic relationships, and unhealthy environments are bad for your mental health and your brain health.
  7. Know what to eliminate. Most likely, there are things you do every day that cause your brain function to suffer. Breaking or minimizing these habits can improve your brain health – and secure it for you in the long-term.

Stay tuned for specific suggestions in the weeks to come 🙂 but in the meantime – get started today! And make today your masterpiece!


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Get My Free Guide: 7 Cheap, Simple Strategies for Boosting Your Brain Performance

Better focus – clearer memory – faster cognition – more mental clarity – improved intellect…

Your brain is capable of beautiful things. If you don’t think you’re getting the most out of your cranial supercomputer, you can reap the benefits of these 7 simple strategies for the low, low price of “free.”