Florina Lungu - "Why"  matters more than "what"

Let’s do a quick exercise that will offer you some important insight…

Take a pencil and a piece of paper and write down everything you’ve eaten today – meals, snacks, and even beverages, too – from the time you woke up to now. If you’re reading this in the morning, try writing down what you ate yesterday. Don’t leave anything out.

Then, next to each item, write down why you ate that thing.

Now, you might be tempted to write down, “I was hungry,” or, “It was lunchtime.” But that’s not what I mean. I mean why did you eat that food? What about that food in particular made you choose to have it? Was it filling? Was it all that was available? Do you like the taste? Did someone offer it to you? Be honest.

There is no judgment here. You don’t have to show this to anyone! You can throw it away as soon as you’re done. Don’t talk down to yourself if you don’t like what you wrote down.

But sometimes, it is good to take an inventory of why we do things – especially when it comes to the way we are taking care of ourselves.

Our brains and bodies are complex machines with specific fuel needs. They need to be met in order to keep your life running! But as I’m sure you know, it can be difficult, inconvenient, costly, and unpleasant to make that our priority. We don’t always decide to give our brains the fuel they need. Other things creep in and take over.

This is something I speak about from experience.

Today I spend much of my time talking about the importance of proper nutrition. I put care into my choices because I know they fuel my mission, which is to empower others.

But my life did not always look like this.

I used to view food less as fuel and more as a diversion. I would eat to numb myself. A lot of my food choices were made because I saw it as a temporary escape from the things I was dealing with. I would eat to run away from things, forget things – forget myself.

It wasn’t until later that I realized  how much I was sabotaging myself.

I was in a dark cycle of my food affecting my food and my mood affecting my food. In trying to cope, I was treating my body like a trash bin, and in response, my body felt like a trash bin!

But once I broke the cycle, I discovered a new level of life. I started giving my body the fuel it needed, and in only a short time, I had more energy and felt more alert; I was thinking more clearly; my memory improved; and I was happier, too. I discovered a new way of interacting with the world… through a properly powered brain.

We take good care of the things we love. So we should love ourselves enough to take great care of our brains.

If you don’t like what you’ve written down on your paper, you can make tomorrow’s list of choices look different. I’ve prepared a quickstart guide of 7 strategies for boosting brain performance.

Inside, you’ll find 7 simple tips and several action steps you can take tomorrow – or even today – toward a better-fueled, better-functioning brain.

I’ve made it for you! Yes, you! Because your brain deserves the best!

Make today your masterpiece!


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Your brain is capable of beautiful things. If you don’t think you’re getting the most out of your cranial supercomputer, you can reap the benefits of these 7 simple strategies for the low, low price of “free.”