Florina Lungu - My 7 ways to achieve brain peak-functioning

We make many choices each day based on how we are feeling or what we want at the moment.

What we eat is a great example of this. Maybe you are particularly conscious of your health. But more likely, you had a lunch that was convenient, or maybe you even went out to buy something that you were especially craving.

But choosing these things based on taste is like choosing what to fill your car with based on color!

Your brain is a beautiful machine capable of incredible performance… but only if you give it the fuel it needs.

So today I want to show you some undervalued tools of peak brain performance: 7 things you can adjust in your daily routine to make sure your brain has all the tools it needs to succeed.

1.Take omega-3 fatty acids daily.

The diet industry sells us a low-fat diet on the front of many magazines. But in reality, your brain needs fat in your food. In fact, 60% of the brain’s weight is fat, so these low-fat diets actually hurt your brain’s ability to function.

Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties and help the nerves in your brain, and you can find them in fish and algae-based oils.

2. Eat high-quality proteins with every meal.

Protein is central to your body’s processes. You cannot gain muscle or produce neurotransmitters without it!

But not all proteins help your body. Protein comes from a lot of animal products, but you are also eating whatever that animal ate, so anything with growth hormones and antibiotics will work against your health.

Include hormone-free, antibiotic-free, organic, free-range, grass-fed meat in order to treat your brain best.

3. Add clean fats to your menu.

I mentioned that fat is absolutely necessary for the functioning of your brain – and that is true! But just like how not all proteins are good for your brain, not all fats are healthy, either.

You should look for pesticide and hormone-free and organic fats, as well as clean sources of fat (think avocados, olive oil, wild fish, nuts, and seeds, instead of other sources of fat, like cheeses).

4. Keep an eye on your drinks.

Carb-filled calories can sneak into your body through your beverages. It is common knowledge that soda contains a lot of sugar, but energy drinks and even sports drinks advertised as good sources of electrolytes can add inflammatory sugar to your diet.

Your brain is largely composed of water, so you must keep it hydrated. Just be sure to hydrate it with water, and not with empty calories 🙂

5. Take care of your gut.

Gut health has been a big health craze in recent years, but it is actually a great health awakening. Your gut is like your second brain.

Let me say it again! Your guy is like your second brain.

Your gut contains healthy bacteria that help you digest your food and also produce neurotransmitters. Take probiotics and add fiber to your menu to keep it cared for, and limit antibiotics if you can (because the same things that kill the bad bugs also kill the good bugs!).

6. Try fasting.

Many people are a little intimidated by the idea of a 12-hour fast. It sounds like a long time to go without food.

But think about it like this: if you have dinner at 7PM and then do not eat again until breakfast at 7AM the next day, you have fasted for 12 hours.

This is not only an excellent way to lose weight, but fasting also starts the brain’s autophagy process – cleaning up after itself and removing some of the waste buildup thought to cause Alzheimer’s disease and other aging effects.

7. Limit foods that harm your brain health, like sugar.

Sugar is an inflammatory food. Inflammation has been shown to cause a number of long-term health concerns like heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and depression.

If that does not convince you to stay away… it is also addictive, so the more you have of it, the more you want.

It is best for your brain if you avoid it as much as possible.

This list makes it look like good brain health is a long way off, but it does not have to be hard. Small changes add up over time.

If you want to give yourself some perspective, list out your typical daily menu and compare it to these 7 brain health tips.

How are you treating your brain? And what one thing can you change this week to treat your brain a little better?

As long as tomorrow is better than today, you are moving in the right direction 🙂

Make today your masterpiece!


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