Florina Lungu - Don't Let Vacation Derail Your Mental Health: The Consequences of Skipping Medication

I want you to meet Sarah.

Last week, I was enjoying some time on the beach during my maternity leave. My family and I were taking in the sun and the salty sea air, and that is when I met Sarah.

She had a bright smile and a very cordial way about her. While our families enjoyed the waves, we talked about carefree things like people usually do when they are on vacation – our kids, our goals, our plans for the future. It was a pleasant conversation between new friends.

But then, my psychiatrist side came out and I began asking how her mental health was holding up.

Although she had seemed upbeat during our chat, her facade faded when I asked the question. She admitted that her anxiety was worsening and her thoughts were in a downward spiral without any real psychological trigger she could think of.

But… as it turns out, she had stopped taking her psychiatric medication before leaving for her trip.

She had wanted to enjoy herself on vacation, and maybe enjoy a few drinks as well – but in just this short time her symptoms were returning, and getting worse and worse by the day.

After talking with Sarah, I was actually shocked to learn how common it is for people to do this! After doing a bit of research, I could see that many people around the world make this mistake, for a number of reasons…

  1. Side effects of medication. Unfortunately, while medications help with one symptom, that help can come at a cost. Some psychiatric medications come with undesirable side effects like weight gain, sexual dysfunction, or drowsiness, that people want to avoid while vacationing.
  2. Cost of medication. Between airfare, ground transport, excursions, shopping, and other expenses, vacations can quickly balloon in cost. Some people stop taking their medications to save money before and on their trip.
  3. Interactions with alcohol or recreational drugs. Many medications, especially psychiatric medications, advise against mixing with alcohol or drugs, which some enjoy partaking in while they are on vacation.
  4. Routine interruption. Some skip their medications because they find it difficult to uphold their normal regimen while they are away from home.
  5. Concern over traveling with medication. Many airlines advise against putting medications in checked luggage – in case it gets lost or delayed in arriving – but some people avoid bringing it altogether to make sure they don’t lose it in transit.
  6. Concern over stigma. One of my goals as a psychiatrist is to destigmatize the mental health discussion, and especially efforts to seek help. But there is a stigma regarding such medications, and people often want to escape it while their minds are in vacation mode.
  7. Belief that vacation will help symptoms. We all feel more relaxed, more free, and more at ease when we do not have work’s deadlines and many of life’s pressures weighing down on us. Some people believe this vacation boost will help improve their symptoms.
  8. Difficulty obtaining medication in a foreign country. Some may stop taking their medication due to its limited availability in the area where they are traveling.
  9. Lack of understanding regarding consequences of skipping medication. This is not only a vacation problem, but a problem in general in mental health circles – medications, especially psychiatric medications, should not be stopped on a whim. There can be major consequences of stopping and some do not understand this.
  10. Preference. Some people just prefer not to take their medications while on vacation. It can be one or more of these reasons, or they might simply believe that their medication limits their ability to enjoy their trip.

Now, it is the middle of January. Most of us have recently returned from vacations and will not be heading out again soon. But when you do, please remember this word of caution…

If you have medications that you need, you are taking them for a reason, and skipping them can have unforeseen consequences. Please at least talk with your doctor before leaving your medicine at home while you are away.

I don’t say this to ruin your fun. In fact, I want you to enjoy your vacation! I just believe that your mental health is every bit as much a priority as your physical health – and you deserve to be well at all times.

That’s all 😊

Make today your masterpiece!


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