Florina Lungu - I wish they had taught me this in school...

These last few weeks I’ve been writing on the importance of sleep and if the reader response is anything to go by – you are very interested in this topic!

I have received so many questions about sleep since my first note – mostly from curious and concerned parents of struggling teens. Adolescence is a difficult enough time in life. Lacking sleep can compound those difficulties many times over.

How should you communicate this to your kids and teens?

Show them the power of one healthy decision.

It is something I wish I had been taught in school when I was growing up. I feel like my life began when I learned how to get the best night’s sleep of my life – like I learned how to unlock a hidden superpower that no one told me I had.

I once had two young boys come to me with their difficulties. They had trouble concentrating in school; they were failing to learn and their grades were suffering because of their focus frustration. It was an uphill battle just getting to school on time each day. They were lacking energy, carrying excess weight, and dealing with confidence issues on top of that, too.

They asked me to diagnose them with ADHD and prescribe them a pill. (But if you’ve been reading my emails at all then you know how I feel about that approach to wellness!)

I took a step back and asked them some questions about their routine. Diet. What are you eating? When, and how often? Hydration. Are you drinking enough water? Sleep…


It turns out, these boys were only getting 6 hours of sleep each night.

Maybe to you that sounds like enough. But if that’s the case, then I am telling you right now… you need more sleep!

We need at least 8 hours each night – better 9, and maybe more, varying from person to person.

These boys would start using their devices in the evening and be up with them for hours – playing games, scrolling on social media, etc.

Did you know that when you’re sleep-deprived, the hippocampus becomes 40% less active?

The hippocampus is the part of your brain responsible for processing new memories and learning. Say goodbye to mental growth or progress.

Did you know that for every 4 hours of sleep you miss, your body feels the need to consume an additional 900 calories?

That can put you at risk of a nearly one-kilo weight gain each week.

Did you know that losing sleep aggravates cortisol production?

Cortisol is often called “the stress hormone,” being associated with the body’s “fight or flight” response. It prepares the body for emergency situations. But it’s only useful for emergencies. It compromises executive functioning, causes memory and concentration problems, and promotes weight gain.

Did you know that these are just a few of the many harmful effects of sleep deprivation?

I could write an entire book on the ways that losing sleep impacts your health – physically, mentally, and emotionally. Sleep deprivation is the most socially acceptable form of self-sabotage!

And did you know that screen time before bed can cost you sleep?

The mental engagement we experience interacting with screens keeps our minds going after we should be slowing down for the day – even if we just have them on in the background. The longer we are awake and alert, the less time we have to sleep (of course!).

Plus, the blue light emitted by our screens prevents the production of melatonin (the sleep hormone). And scientists believe that kids and teens are even more susceptible to losing sleep to this blue light because their young eyes take in more of it. 

Even one decision made consistently can change so many things…

Believe it or not, this was the problem that the two boys had. In our time together I was able to show them the power of one healthy decision over time – and until our schools are willing to teach this, it is our job to pass this on to the next generation.

How are you encouraging healthy habits in those you love? Take an opportunity this week to encourage those in your life to make wise choices – and then honor that commitment and set an example for them to align with 🙂

Make today your masterpiece!


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